Join Young Audiences of Louisiana for "Baby Artsplay! TM," presented by The Helis Foundation. This free 6-part workshop series is made possible by The Helis Foundation. The 30-minute workshops provide engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana...

Magnolia Ball Kickoff Party Save 50% on Magnolia Ball Patron Tickets!

Join us at Miel Brewery & Taproom on May 15 to save 50% on Magnolia Ball Patron Tickets!* From 1 - 4 p.m., Patron Tickets, normally $200, will be on a flash sale for $100! Purchases may be made online or in person at Miel. Each ticket purchased at Miel will also grant you a...

Shop for Good with Kendra Scott

Support Ogden Museum of Southern Art on May 20 from 3 to 5 p.m. at Kendra Scott Magazine Street! Complimentary sips and sweets will be provided. Can't make the event and prefer to support online? On May 20 & 21, use web code GIVEBACK-BWUVU at checkout and 20% of your purchase will benefit Ogden Museum of...

Artist Workshop with Sha’Condria Sibley Poetry for Change

Join poet Sha'Condria Sibley in an exploration of Luis Cruz Azaceta's exhibition, What a Wonderful World. In this Artist Workshop participants will take a deep dive into Luis Cruz Azaceta’s work to find power in personal action and evoke change in the community at large. Participants will write a poem inspired by work on view...

NFT Workshop With artist Dave Greber

Join artist Dave Greber to learn all about NFTs! What is an NFT? A NFT (non-fungible token) makes it possible to authenticate the ownership of digital assets. For artists and collectors, it makes it possible to buy and sell digitally created projects. In this Artist Workshop, participants will learn the basics of an NFT (Web3)...