All posts by Ogden Education

O-riginal Art Activities: Shadow Drawing Inspired by Ashleigh Coleman

Español abajo Create a drawing using shadow inspired by Ashleigh Coleman’s photography. Ashleigh Coleman was born in 1983 in Virginia. She is a self-taught photographer. Ashleigh currently lives on the…

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O-riginal Art Activities: Monochromatic Collage Inspired by Betsy Gosling

Español abajo Create a monochromatic collage using found objects in this O-riginal Art Activity inspired by Betsy Gosling. Betsy Gosling grew up in Michigan. She visited New Orleans during the…

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O-riginal Art Activities: Paper Flower Sculptures, La Cuetlaxochitl (Poinsettia)

Celebrate the holiday season by creating paper la cuetlaxochitl (Kwet -la-sho-cheel) and learn a decolonized history of this popular winter holiday flower.   The original name of poinsettia is cuetlaxochitl in…

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O-riginal Art Activities: Abstract Collage Inspired by Wendo Brunoir

Create a colorful abstract collage in this O-riginal Art Activity inspired by Wendo Brunoir. Wendo Brunoir was born in 1982 in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he currently lives and works. After…

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O-riginal Art Activities: Neighborhood Drawing Inspired by Noamy Sechooler

Create an artwork inspired by your neighborhood in this week’s O-riginal Art Activity. Supplies Paper, Markers, Pencil Instructions Step 1: Look at Noamy Sechooler’s artwork, Home is Sacred, Second Line…

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