Ogden Museum Summer Camp 2021 Protocols and FAQs

Ogden Museum Summer Camps will follow CDC guidelines for all COVID-19 protocols. We will update policies as new information emerges and notify all camp registrants when camp protocols are updated. 

All Campers and staff are required to wear face coverings when participating in our camps. Exceptions will be made only for eating or drinking. Campers must bring their own face coverings, as face coverings will not be provided. We recommend having your camper bring an extra face covering in their bag.

There will be twelve (12) campers per session with one (1) lead teacher and a maximum of two (2) counselors per session, ensuring a maximum of thirteen (15) per session.

Pick-up/drop-off Procedures

All campers will be dropped off and picked up in front of Ogden Museum, 925 Camp St. Morning drop-off will begin at 9:00 a.m. Afternoon pickup will begin at 12:00 p.m.

No parents/caregivers/guardians will be allowed to exit their vehicles. Ogden Museum staffers will be there to greet campers for the day. Campers must bring their own face coverings; please ensure your camper is already wearing a face covering before exiting the vehicle.

Upon arrival at camp, staff will take each child’s temperature with a no-touch forehead thermometer. If a reading of 100°F or higher is recorded, the camper will not be allowed to attend camp that day.

On day one of camp, caregivers will be given a carpool sign. Please display this sign on the front windshield during pick-up to ensure an efficient carpool procedure.


Children are required to bring their own snacks. Please send your children to camp with any snacks and drinks they may need and with all food items in a sealed bag marked with the camper’s name. Food sharing will not be permitted. Please note that Ogden Museum Summer Camp is a nut-free environment.  

Visits to the galleries

Campers will be given the opportunity to spread out and access galleries throughout their camp experience. Camp groups will make an effort to avoid other visitors in the galleries. All museum visitors and staff are required to wear face coverings and observe social distancing. 

Additional COVID-19 Protocols FAQs 

What should I do if my child is ill?

Any signs of illness should be taken seriously, and the camper must be kept at home. Please consult your pediatrician for treatment advice based on your child’s symptoms. If your child tests positive for COVID-19 during camp, we ask that you inform camp staff as soon as possible. 

What do I do if my child has been exposed to COVID-19?

If your child has been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or a member of their immediate household is exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms, the CDC recommends that they enter a period of quarantine after their last contact with the sick person and watch for symptoms.

We request that if your child has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, they do not come to camp until the following guidelines have been met: 

  • Quarantine can end after day ten (10) without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring.
  • Quarantine can end after day seven (7) if a diagnostic specimen tests negative and if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring. The specimen may be collected and tested within forty-eight (48) hours before the time of planned quarantine discontinuation, but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than day seven (7).

Persons can discontinue quarantine at these time points only if the following criteria are also met:

  • No clinical evidence of COVID-19 has been reported through daily symptom monitoring during the entirety of quarantine up to the time at which quarantine is discontinued.
  • Daily symptom monitoring continues through day fourteen (14) of quarantine.

Close contact is defined as being within six (6) feet of someone with COVID-19 for fifteen (15) or more minutes, having direct physical contact or sharing eating or drinking utensils. It is considered close contact even if face coverings were worn.

What is the protocol if a child or camp staff member shows signs of COVID-19?

If a child or staff member shows signs of a temperature 100°F or higher, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell, that person will be separated from the group immediately and will be required to leave the Museum as soon as possible.

Any areas used by persons who are sick will be closed and thoroughly cleaned following CDC guidelines. Local health officials, staff, and families will be notified immediately while maintaining confidentiality as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Campers or staff that have stayed home sick will not be permitted to attend or return to camp until at least ten (10) days have passed since symptoms first appeared, they have been fever-free and fever medication–free for seventy-two (72) hours, and other symptoms have improved.

Will activity spaces be sanitized?

The studio will be sanitized daily, and instructors and staff will have disinfectant wipes for sanitizing high-touch areas throughout the day.