YALA BABY ARTSPLAY! Presented by The Helis Foundation

Join Young Audiences of Louisiana for "Baby Artsplay! TM," presented by The Helis Foundation. This free 6-part workshop series is made possible by The Helis Foundation. The 30-minute workshops provide engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana...

Event Series Ogden Museum Meditation

Ogden Museum Meditation (OMM)

Refresh your day with a free, thirty-minute “drop-in'' meditation at Ogden Museum led by Museum Educator and yoga instructor Mikhayla Harrell. Being in the moment is essential for appreciating a great work of art. The tools of mindfulness meditation enhance our ability to stay present with our everyday lives and aesthetic experiences. By cultivating awareness,...

Artist Workshop With Paige Valente

Join Louisiana Contemporary, presented by The Helis Foundation artist, Paige Valente to explore non-traditional art-making techniques such as stenciling. Learn about Valente and other artists who incorporate text, narrative and storytelling in their work. Use your own personal story as inspiration for a text-based mixed media artwork. The workshop includes a guided tour of Louisiana...



Join Young Audiences of Louisiana for "Baby Artsplay! TM," presented by The Helis Foundation. This free 6-part workshop series is made possible by The Helis Foundation. The 30-minute workshops provide engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana...

Craft Happy Hour Hand-Sewn Wine Gift Bag with Lizz Freeman

Learn how to hand sew with RicRACK's Lizz Freeman! Participants will make a reusable wine gift bag by hand by using beautiful scrap fabrics, including handmade cyanotype cottons by Freeman. $30 member / $35 non-member All materials provided. 

YALA BABY ARTSPLAY! Presented by The Helis Foundation

Join Young Audiences of Louisiana for "Baby Artsplay! TM," presented by The Helis Foundation. This free 6-part workshop series is made possible by The Helis Foundation. The 30-minute workshops provide engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana...

Event Series Ogden Museum Meditation

Ogden Museum Meditation (OMM)

Refresh your day with a free, thirty-minute “drop-in'' meditation at Ogden Museum led by Museum Educator and yoga instructor Mikhayla Harrell. Being in the moment is essential for appreciating a great work of art. The tools of mindfulness meditation enhance our ability to stay present with our everyday lives and aesthetic experiences. By cultivating awareness,...

Craft Happy Hour Indigo Dye Class 101

Learn about the powerful plant of indigo with Lil Bits Cloth's Eliza Wapner! Students will create an indigo dyed bandana by learning how to make a 1-2-3- indigo vat and how to properly use and care for it. Students will also learn about different surface design techniques such as itajime and shibori tying and clamping...

YALA BABY ARTSPLAY! Presented by The Helis Foundation

Join Young Audiences of Louisiana for "Baby Artsplay! TM," presented by The Helis Foundation. This free 6-part workshop series is made possible by The Helis Foundation. The 30-minute workshops provide engaging arts-based activities designed to instruct caregivers on how to use the arts at home to promote early learning. Lessons are conducted by certified Louisiana...