Butch Anthony, Done Girl, 2018, Oil on Canvas, 72 x 48″
The O What a Night! Gala is right around the corner, but you don’t have to wait until Oct. 20 to get a sneak peek of the event’s silent and live auction items. You can preview all the items up for bid here.

Luis Cruz Azaceta, Surveillance 007, 2015, Archival pigment digital print
The O What a Night! Gala is the Ogden Museum’s annual fundraiser. A celebration of the American South, the O What a Night! Gala is one of the premier events in the region.

David Knox, The Cane Field, 2018, Photocollage on aluminum
On Saturday night, the Gala begins with a large silent auction sponsored by New Orleans Auction Galleries in the Patrick F. Taylor Library, where guests arrive, mingle and bid while enjoying appetizers by Kristen Essig and Michael Stolztfus.

David Lambert, Beacon, 2007, Acrylic on panel
Moving from the Taylor library to the Gala tent, guest will enjoy musical and artistic surprises before the centerpiece of the Gala, a spirited live auction presided over by Christie’s auctioneer Robbie Gordy.

James Surls, The Knife and the Oak Tree Ed. 5/5, 2016, Bronze and stainless steel
This year’s live auction features major works by Raine Bedsole, Aron Belka, Elizabeth Bick, Jim Blanchard, Fritz Bultman, Michael Deas, George Dunbar, Betsy Eby, Margaret Evangeline, James Flynn, David Gamble, Doyle Getjejansen, L. Kasimu Harris, Birny Imes, Mallory Page, Ashley Pridmore, Gregory Saunders, James Surls, Ed Whiteman and Susan Worsham.

Betsy Eby, Corona, 2017, Encaustic on canvas on panel
Tickets for the O What a Night! Gala are still available. Click here to purchase your tickets and preview all the silent and live auction items!