Teen Artist Encounter Clay Forms

Teens are invited to explore the exhibition the Whole Drum Will Sound: Women in Southern Abstraction with educator and exhibiting artist MaPo Kinnord, who will lead a contemplative clay workshop investigating the aesthetics of improvisation and its role in connecting oneself with ancestry. Free but advance registration required.  

Young Audiences of Louisiana Baby Arts Play!

Young Audiences Baby Artsplay! Presented by The Helis Foundation is the perfect opportunity young children and their caregivers to enjoy an educational, yet fun-filled trip to the Museum. Six, 30-minute workshops allow children to explore, observe and investigate their world and the Museum through song, dance and movement experiences. For ages 4 months to 3...

Young Audiences of Louisiana Baby Arts Play!

Young Audiences Baby Artsplay! Presented by The Helis Foundation is the perfect opportunity young children and their caregivers to enjoy an educational, yet fun-filled trip to the Museum. Six, 30-minute workshops allow children to explore, observe and investigate their world and the Museum through song, dance and movement experiences. For ages 4 months to 3...